Adobe Commerce editionMinimum compatible version
Magento 2 Open Source2.1
Adobe Commerce 22.1

Understand the LoyaltyLion module

The LoyaltyLion module for Adobe Commerce 2 (formerly Magento 2) has three primary responsibilities:

  • We add a single frontend block to your layout, which loads the LoyaltyLion SDK to provide customer UI
  • We add observers to your order and customer lifecycle, to keep LoyaltyLion in sync as this data changes
  • We use your REST API (rooted at <>/rest/V1) to retrieve store configuration and manage price rules

We don’t modify your database schema, add cron jobs, or modify customer data within your database. This minimizes the risk of incompatibility between LoyaltyLion and other modules.

Install the module

Installing Adobe Commerce modules is a complex process. We recommend giving these instructions to the person responsible for maintaining your Adobe Commerce setup rather than attempting to install the module yourself.


Install the module with composer and the Adobe Commerce command-line tools

In your Adobe Commerce project directory:

composer require loyaltylion/core
magento setup:upgrade

Provide API access

LoyaltyLion needs access to your store API to manage Price Rules and retrieve store configuration.

First, make sure that you’re logged into your LoyaltyLion account.

Head to SystemIntegrations:

Hit Activate on the LoyaltyLion integration and follow the prompts through to completion:


Configure the module

Your Loyalty Program is completely hidden from your customers until you choose to launch using the button on the LoyaltyLion admin dashboard.

First, find the LoyaltyLion configuration section at StoresConfigurationCustomersLoyaltyLion:

Next, pick your configuration scope. Pick the website you wish to set up a Loyalty Program for. LoyaltyLion isn’t visible or active for customers on other websites hosted on the same Adobe Commerce server.

Then, enter your LoyaltyLion secret and token. You can find these by referring to your setup page.

Each token-secret pairing may only be used once. If you wish to install LoyaltyLion on multiple websites, then you need a secondary program. Please email if you wish to add one.

Don’t forget to save your configuration.


Validate your installation

You can now return to setup page and check to see if LoyaltyLion was installed correctly.